I worked from 9-3 today, then ran on my way home. I decided to try and run the trail from Luke's Locker again. This time I caught all the turns (missed a critical turn last time and my mapped run looks like something Lane drew). I like that trail. It's a little secluded in some spots, but it's nice to have the nature and quiet.
I love they way running allows me to think. I can sort things out like I can't anywhere else. Or I can lose myself in my thoughts just the same. I love hearing my feet hit the ground, one foot after another. I love the highs and lows that flow throughout a run. I love being proud of myself when I'm finished.
It got cold at the end of my run and I had an episode of Raynaud's Phenomenon. http://www.medicinenet.com/raynauds_phenomenon/article.htm
It affected 4 fingers on each hand, which is unusual for me. It also took about 30 minutes to reverse, so I just couldn't make myself do an ice bath. I'm sorely regretting that choice now. My knees and quads are super stiff.
According to MapMyRun, my total distance was 8.21, total time 1:28, and average pace 10:39.
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